What. A. Week. First, Mama and JD have to go and get sick last Thursday, then they have to spread their sickly sick germs all over me. Then I find myself gasping for air, barely hanging on to life, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! *dramatic sigh*
Ok maybe I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I couldn't breathe and had to go visit one of those places Dada works at. Except the time of day I went was very interesting....we met a lady who was there to have a catfish removed from her leg.
No seriously. The catfish was attached to her leg, underneath a bandage, waiting for a doctor to come remove it. Dada does surgery, but he's never mentioned such an odd "-ectomy" before....
But by the end of the night, I still couldn't breathe (the spells came a went, the doctor called it "croup"), but apparently that's ok....
I did get some
delightful (italics indicate sarcasm here people) tasting medicine though. Here's a lovely shot of me in the ER, falling asleep sitting upright, because no one would let me lay down....
Never fear though, my loyal fans. I feel much better today. Mama and JD and Nanna and Poppy are a different story. I guess we can't all have my killer-fortress-of-germ-doom immune system.