About Me

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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Dog Whisperer

I tamed this vicious beast you see before you using nothing but my hands and sheer intimidation.  She dared not leave her bed whilst I prowled nearby.  In fact, she bared her teeth at me quite a few times, but was I afraid?  Never!  Of course, Auntie insists that she has a jaw issue that makes it look like she's baring her teeth when she doesn't mean too.  But who believes Aunties anyway?

After taming the aforementioned wolf of terror, I single-handedly scarfed down both a bowl of spaghetti, and a bowl of mint moose tracks.  Beast.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

You're Sick! Oh Wait, That's Me.....

 What. A. Week.  First, Mama and JD have to go and get sick last Thursday, then they have to spread their sickly sick germs all over me.  Then I find myself gasping for air, barely hanging on to life, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! *dramatic sigh*

Ok maybe I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I couldn't breathe and had to go visit one of those places Dada works at.  Except the time of day I went was very interesting....we met a lady who was there to have a catfish removed from her leg.  No seriously.  The catfish was attached to her leg, underneath a bandage, waiting for a doctor to come remove it.  Dada does surgery, but he's never mentioned such an odd "-ectomy" before....

But by the end of the night, I still couldn't breathe (the spells came a went, the doctor called it "croup"), but apparently that's ok....
I did get some delightful (italics indicate sarcasm here people) tasting medicine though.  Here's a lovely shot of me in the ER, falling asleep sitting upright, because no one would let me lay down....

Never fear though, my loyal fans.  I feel much better today.  Mama and JD and Nanna and Poppy are a different story.  I guess we can't all have my killer-fortress-of-germ-doom immune system.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Amazing All-Seeing MLS!

 They have arrived!  These things are awesome!  Did you know that when it rains, it's not just one big blurry raindrop, it's lots of individual ones?!    And did you know that the red train on the train table at Barnes and Noble is NOT James - it's Victor!  And did you know that Mama is waaaay more beautiful than I realized before I got glasses?  This is so cool!  I mean, my brilliance and charm has always surpassed that of most adults, but now that I can really see I'll be even MORE brilliant and charming.  This is the best feeling ever!  But alas, I already have to get new-new glasses.  A new doctor today said my prescription actually isn't strong enough, so now I have to send these glasses back and get new lenses. *sigh*.  Honestly, how many doctors does it take to diagnose one small (though remarkably clever and adorable) boy.  Geez.
In other news, to go along with my new college-boy look, I also got a tattoo.  What do you think?  Sweet right?
What can I say?  I'm hardcore.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ta-Da! (da)

"Dada".  This little phrase they keep using....what does it mean?  My father's eyes twinkle almost as bright as mine when I say it, but I can't understand why.  It's a simple disyllabic word, not difficult in the slightest, but they rejoice greatly every time I use it.  My mother not quite as much as my father....if anything I can see a hint of reproach behind her smile...
However, as it brings my father so much joy, I suppose I'll keep saying it, foolish as it sounds. Why don't they want me to SPEAK?  To use real words that mean something?  I don't understand.
"Oh JD, you get used to it.  They expect you to be dumb for the first couple years, and then you hit 2 and WHAM!  They expect perfection - perfect behavior, perfect language, perfect table manners.  Ridiculous thought pattern I know."
Now, now MLS, I don't think you should call Mother and Father ridiculous.  And I don't think they would ever call either of us dumb.  I mean, I know I'm not as old and clever as you are, but I believe Mother and Father are inherently good and wonderful and wise.
"Ahem....of course JD.  Whatever you say."

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Gym Rat and a Birthday Boy

I've done it.  My quest for Olympic greatness begins.  I received my second ribbon in gymnastics.  It was glorious.  Everyone clapped for me, held a feast in my honor, threw roses at my feet, and bowed down.  Ok maybe nobody bowed, but I did get a lot of clapping, some chocolate cake, and I pick a Dandelion on the way to the car.
In other news.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADA!!!!!  The big 2-6.  How's it feel?  Good?  Yeah sure, it's ok you don't have to put on a brave face for me.  You feel old don't you?  Bones getting a little brittle, muscle a little soft, hair a little gray?  No worries, it happens to us all.  Well not me, because I'll take calcium supplements and have a personal trainer, but to it happens to everyone else in the world, so it's ok.  I gave Dada a coupon book good for things such as the ever classic car wash, an hour of solitude, a jog with me, etc., and JD gave him a coupon for a bench pressing session with JD, aka "the beast".
So Happy Birthday dada.  And don't worry - When you're taking pictures of me standing on the top tier of the podium at the Olympics one day, you'll look back at these years of chaos and jumping off of furniture and climbing pianos and say, "It was all worth it."

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Almost, But No Glasses

Rectangular Frames 
BAM!  That's what they'll look like.  Whenever I get them....spent four hours at two different eye places today and STILL didn't get them.  Apparently I'm so important they have to special order my frames.  Guess they just want to make sure they're perfect.  So I'm afraid you'll all have to wait two more weeks (max) to see them.  But they won't be blue; they'll be a lovely teal.  I felt blue might detract from the blue of my eyes, thus rendering their mesmerizing talents useless.