About Me

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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Other Hammock

 The neighbors have a hammock now too.  It hangs on the other side of our tree.  And it is better than my hammock.  It's much more thrilling to swing in, and can spin around and around and around and around.  And around.  Today all three of their kids sat on three sides of me while I spun in the hammock and made faces at me as I passed.  It was kind of like a creepy carnival ride, but really fun.  The only problem is it has this lulling effect on you; you're out like a light WAY before naptime....*sigh*  At least my ill-timed nap had one good consequence, I think my adorable sleeping self has won her heart....

Thursday, May 30, 2013


  For those of you who haven't heard, I did officially decide that my spring/summer wardrobe would consist of polos - polo shirts and polo onesies.  Polos say "Look at me; I'm polished, I'm boyish, and I've got some serious style."  I mean check out this pose (to your right....there I am!). It wouldn't look nearly so model-esque if I weren't wearing a polo.  Just sayin'.  See, as you grow, your style must grow with you.  For example, while a onesie sleeper gown covered with little blue elephants may have looked adorable on infant MLS, it would look just plain silly on me now.  This applies to grown-ups as well, although they don't seem to understand and apply quite as well as I do.....

Monday, May 27, 2013

Gone Fishin'

   Ya' know, fishing takes lot of patience.  That's why I decided to sit back, relax, and have Lili catch my fish for me.  And look what I caught!  It was perfect.  Just the right size for me, and it had great fashion sense; it was a myriad of complementing colors.  As this was the first time I've ever been fishing, I think it is quite impressive that I caught anything at all.  Of course I was wearing my lucky fishing hat, which before today was just a sun hat, but seeing as I did catch my first fish while wearing it (and it looks the part), I suppose that makes it my lucky fishing hat.  Which I will wear every time I fish from now until I can fish no longer.  Hmmmm...know anyone that's really amazing at hat alterations?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Just Keep Smiling

  Well I've had quite an adventurous day....Mommy locked us out of the house, and of all the days for the weather to sporadically turn cold again, it decided to be cold today.   Luckily, my buddy's mommy and daddy helped us out by picking us up and letting Mommy use their car to go get a key from Daddy.  And this is why friends are so important....
   In spite of, and perhaps even because of the morning's wild goose chase, the rest of the day was quite enjoyable, and the smile still hasn't left my face.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


   Words of Wisdom for the day: Never bite off more than you can chew.  (Both figuratively and literally....)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Italian Ice with Old Friends

  It's so nice when you get to see some one that you didn't know when you'd ever get to see again.  Especially when that some one feeds you Strawberry Lemonade Italian ice.  And especially when that long-lost friend feeding you the italian ice happens to be a pretty girl.
   Some friends that moved away came back just to visit me and meet me for a date.   Can't say I blame them....what girl wouldn't travel the country to be with this guy?  :)  I graciously allowed them to visit other people too though.

Monday, May 20, 2013

What. A. Weekend.

   I am dreadfully sorry for my absence as of late.  In case you forgot, it's kind of been busy around here.  All day in the car Friday to pick up my new sister, then shopping madness and birthday parties Saturday, then a full day of hanging out with my new, 33% bigger family all day Sunday.  And THEN, spending most of today trying to figure out when/if/how my new sister will start school.  Bah. I'm beat.  I'm beyond beat.  I'm beated.  And yet, I still found time to work on my never finished Sonata I've been composing for almost a year now.  *sigh*. At least tomorrow I'll get some more "me" time.  You know that Mommy and LiLi made me go everywhere with them today?  I'm a man.  I'm almost 16 months old.  I am perfectly capable of staying home alone, but noooooo.  Mommy shot that idea down faster than superman.  But I digress.  Point is, it's been a long weekend, and a longer first day of the week.  So excuse me while I go to sleep, for a long, LONG time.  Maybe....

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Final Day

 Ok, folks, today is my last day ever of being an only child.  Savor this moment with me.  Savor it.  Still savoring.  Ok I'm good.  Been doing some last minute cleaning to get ready for Lyndsay's arrival (yes, apparently I've been spelling her name wrong...)  Getting the books out of the box is always so much easier than putting them back in.
  In other news, I had my 15 month check-up yesterday.  I am now a whopping 24 pounds and 30.5 inches long.  And apparently the circumference of my head is huge compared to most babies.  No surprise there; just think of all the knowledge stored in there.  It has to fit somehow.  They also very rudely gave me 3 shots.  And this AFTER I was so sweet and smiley and playful.  Pah.  Just wait and see how I act next time lady.  Just wait....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Buddy - A Friendship in Retrospect

Happy Birthday to the greatest friend a guy could ask for.  It's like you were mail-ordered just for me. When I'm crying, you cry with me.  When I'm laughing, you laugh at me.  When I steal your toy, you steal it back.  Who could ask for more in a friend?  We've been through so much, from discovering solid food, to enduring teeth knifing their way through our gums, to growing into our heads; here's wishing you 100 more years of being awesome.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How the Cookie Crumbles

 Very well. And very messily.  And very mushily.  That's how the cookie crumbles.  The cookie gives you a creme filling mustache and a chocolate cookie beard.  I particularly like the satisfaction derived from crumbling the cookie over the couch, which is not nearly so awesome a feeling as crumbling the cookie over a white rug.  The cookie crumbles on the dog, the ottoman, the tv stand, and Mommy's blanket.  Yes, the cookie crumbles just right.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Mishap

  I admit it....I may have forgotten Mother's Day.  I can't be blamed though. No one has ever lifted me up to look at the calendar to be aware of what day it is and what holidays are coming up.  Daddy should have told me, but well, he forgot too.  Luckily, I swooped in and saved the day with this:
Hand-made by yours truly while Mommy enjoyed the breakfast in bed I also made. Ok Daddy may have helped a tiny bit with the breakfast part, but the flower is all me....almost all me. I picked the color and carried the construction paper downstairs, AND handed it to Mommy when it was finished, so you see Daddy's contribution was very minimal, hardly worth mentioning...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Meet Lindsey

 Ta-Da!  This is my new foster sister Lindsey!  She was very sweet and smart and pretty and nice....I'm smitten.  As far as smite goes, I am smote.  I cried when she left.  I can't wait for her to get here on Friday.  I bought her a present and some new towels , and I even agreed to share a bathroom with Mommy and Daddy so she can have mine all to herself.  I know....what a prince.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Was Framed!

 *gasp!* How did that Puffs container get stuck on my arm?  I must have blacked out or something....I have no memory of this!  It wasn't me!  Yes I know I'm smiling but this isn't an "I'm guilty" smile, I just smile every time I look at Mommy's beautiful face....really.  Wait, wait I remember what happened now.  It was Daisy!  She had her snout in the can trying to eat all my puffs and I bravely told her she'd better stop it or I'd make her stop it.  Next thing I knew, Mommy is asking me what in the world I'm doing with the puffs and how on earth did I manage to get them from my bag that was shut up in the closet...Well I didn't!  I was framed I tell you!  The puffs in my mouth? You want to know about those huh?  Um....I have to go potty.  Can't talk now sorry bye.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Little Brister AND a Big Sister!

If you're wondering what this happy face is all about, it's because it's finally happening.  This is my reaction when Mommy and Daddy told me that the thing I've referred to numerous times over the past year takes place one week from this Friday....I get a new sister!  She's 16 and can't wait to spend every waking moment with me I'm sure.  I must admit I was tempted to tear the spare bedroom apart and use it as my laboratory, because I began to think Mommy and Daddy were just pulling my leg about this whole "Oh no sweetie that's going to be your new foster sibling's room, you can't play in there" business.  But it's true!  She's coming!  Mommy is nervous about how I'll react when her stuff is actually in that room and it's really real, but I'm like Mom, do you see this face?  This is not the face of some one who is jealous or disappointed.  I'm thrilled!  I just hope she likes me.  I know I know, what's not to like?  I'm going to meet her in two days.  What should I say?  What should I wear?  Should I bring her a present?  Do you think she'd like Mr. Jingles?  So much to consider!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mommies Are Like the Plague

  No really, they are.  You can't escape them.  So if they are sick, you will be sick, someway, somehow, at some point in time.  Just when they are recovering from their illness and you think you've made it, nope.  Now it's your turn.
   I suppose it isn't all Mommy's fault. I mean she did her best to protect me from herself....as much as she could and still be near enough to do my bidding and obey my every whim.  *sigh*  Well let's see, if Mommy got sick Tuesday evening and still isn't quite better, then I should only be sick for another couple days.  As we all know, my immune system is WAY better than hers.  From what I understand, carrying my brister around weakens her and makes her more susceptible to germs.  I'm glad I never treated her that way when I was in there.
     Speaking of which, I wonder what it's like to live somewhere that's already had a previous occupant? I still remember that "new car" smell....I'm sure all the newness and luster has worn off by now.  On the bright side, my brister doesn't have to break it in, I did that for him!  I mean what's more comfortable - a new leather couch, or one that's been sat on a few hundred times?  Which cooks better - a new cast iron skillet, or the one your great-grandmother passed down to you?  So he should be grateful!  Kind of like how he should be grateful he's in there and not out here getting sick with the rest of us!  Lucky dog.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


  Just wanted to say that I'm thrilled everyone enjoyed "Ode to a Laundry Basket" so much.  I have received a lot of positive feedback, so perhaps I shall offer glimpses of my scintillating poetic side more often!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ode to a Laundry Basket

Ode to a Laundry Basket

I tried to resist it, I really did try,
but it taunted and tempted my innocent eyes:

"Come to me MLS!  Sling 'round the clothes
Listen to me as I tempt you with prose!

This laundry is extra-especially fun,
it contains items from everyone!

A sweaty old shirt and a couple of socks,
a pair gym shorts your dad bikes in a lot.
A soft fleece blanket with pear puree stains,
You have no idea all the fun I contain!"

"No!" I screamed as I fled from the scene,
"I won't make a mess for poor Mommy to clean!"

But it was too late, the damage was done.
I don't even know how that darn basket won!
One minute I had all these noble ideas,
the next I was flinging the clothes with great cheer.

"Oh well," I thought as I sat midst the tees,
"I'll just clean it up before dear Mommy sees...."

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Now I Know Better....

 That's right....take a good look.  This is me, happy, carefree, enjoying a date with Mommy yesterday.  Today is a different story.  You see, she was looking a bit down from all those pregnant Mommy issues she has to deal with, so I took her out for tea and puffs before we went to MOPS.  By yesterday evening she was down for the count. I've barely seen her today because Daddy relegated her to the future foster child's room, which was given a new title of Infirmary.  True I got to spend a day with Daddy, but that's beside the point!  The point is I tried to do something nice for Mommy, and the next thing I know she's sick!  I can only assume it is something she caught during tea.  There were just too many germ-ridden people.  I never should have taken her out.  Yes I've been getting cabin fever, and yes I've been bored out of my mind, but look what happens when I let her go out!  Just look!  *sigh*  I shall just have to find an indoor hobby to occupy my time in order to protect Mommy and my brister.  Perhaps I'll take up painting again; there's a blank wall in the foster child's room/infirmary just screaming for an MLS original....