About Me

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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lessons Big and Small

Invited my buddy over to rehearse our piano duo.  Being the wonderful host I am, I let him take the primo part on the big piano, while I play secondo on the little one.  (He doesn't know yet that the last two pages of the piece will require him to race back and forth between the bass and the treble sections of the piano....hee hee hee....)  Anyway, whilst we rehearsed, little bro tried his hand at impressing my buddy's new little protege.  She was definitely moved.....to tears!  Poor JD.  He just needs a few more lessons from me I suppose.  Lesson #1 - Never wear a bowl on your head when trying to impress a lady.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I shall be a good sport today, and allow JD to address you. So long as you all remember who's in charge...

"Well friends, summer is fast approaching, and with it my 1st annual book-a-thon.  I've set a goal to devour 50 books by August 1st.  How many books will you eat?"

He means "read".  I think....

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The "Great" Outdoors....?

   So I planted Mommy a flower bed this past long weekend - ta-da!  She absolutely loves it (of course, she loves everything I do...) and wants to spend all the time outside now.  The problem with this is, bugs and I don't really get along that well....
At least it's just mosquitos so far and no ants.  You don't want to see me after two or three ant bites...it ain't pretty (yes, amazingly, it is possible for me NOT to look stunningly handsome).

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ol' MacDonald Had a Plant...

Just one plant.  A tomato plant to be precise.  I supervised its' planting and watering carefully, since Dad spends all his time indoors away from sunlight and grass and all that.  Figured he probably forgot what plants look like, let alone how to take care of one.  And let me just say, he would be lost without me.  Just today I had to remind him to water the thing.  And he's the one that wanted them!  Ever since I became potty trained, they expect me to do everything around here....

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Buddy!

 A Belated Happy Birthday shout-out to my best comrade.  Feels good to be two does it not?  Perhaps now people will take us both more seriously, recognizing our stunning intellect and wit.
While we've had our ups and downs, we've been there for each other's firsts.  And although you've always been the more verbose one of our duo, let me speak now and say that I'm lucky to have you for a friend.  You were there when mommy brought home little brother, and I'm here for you now that little sister is home.  Those guys have a LOT of things to learn from us.  And they'll make great scapegoats....
Anyway, Happy Birthday man.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Eye Don't Like This One Bit....

Mommy says this thing will fix my eye.  I don't see anything wrong with it personally.  This was my super-power!  I could see twice as much as everyone else because of my amazing right eye being able to look in a different direction than my left, at the same time!  But noooooo....Mommy has to dash all hopes of becoming a part of the Justice League just because of some nonsense of possibly going blind.  Please.  She's just jealous of my raw natural awesomeness.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

All You Need is Love

 Me and my ladies...I think it was the hat.  No woman can resist a cute guy in a hat.

My job was to carry a pillow down the aisle.  And let me just say, I went above and beyond.  Not only did I carry said pillow, I found all the other pillows in the room and tried to carry them too.  It wasn't appreciated though.  Apparently there was something special about that one particular pillow, and all the others were insignificant.  Poor things.  It's not their fault they weren't satiny white.

Post-ceremony.  After completing my very important job to the utmost of my ability....I crashed.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Power Prayers

MLS hasn't forgotten you; I promise.  He shall post lots of pictures of his debut as a ring-bearer very soon.  But first, I want you all to pray for our Great-Uncle.  He is in the ICU with heart issues and needs to have surgery.  Mommy always says that if we see something we can't change, God can.  So pray that God would heal him please.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Adorable Overload

 It has come to my attention that I never put up JD's 3 month pictures.  How terribly rude of me.  You'd think I was the attention-seeking, bossy, controlling older brother that didn't want to share his blog.....
Anyway, because he is so gosh darn adorable and I can't stand to hide my greatest work from the world (for of course, it is I who coaches him through all his photoshoots), here they are.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Mysterious Web-Based Cookie Jar

 I love when terms of service agreements for websites say that I must agree to their "Use of Cookies".  Hey man, I don't judge.  You eat however many cookies you want whenever you want.  You can use cookies to treat your heartache, headache, stress, or boredom.  That's fine, but the least you could do if you are going to flaunt your open "use of cookies" in my face is share them!  I mean where are my cookies, Google?  Huh facebook?  Where are they?  And why do you need me to agree to your cookie usage?  So you'll feel better about yourself when you eat way to many?  To condone your behavior?  That's sad friend.  If you're going to binge, the least you could do is know that it's the right decision for you.  If you always want me to agree, perhaps that shows you are insecure and should seek treatment.  WebMd could probably help, and I'm sure Dr.Phil has a website, if it's more of an emotional issue.  But seriously, I can't keep blindly agreeing to everyone else's cookie usage if I'm not receiving any in return.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dynamic Dynasty Dynamite

 Did I mention I went back to the site of my famous film "Vote Romney" whilst on vacay?  And guess what happened....ran into some fellow famous peeps.....
  Yep, that's them.  Two of the lovely ladies from "Duck Dynasty".  We were the only people in the coffee shop and then they just waltzed in with their four youngest girls and I was like, "Holla!" and mommy was like, "Shhhhh! Don't embarrass us MLS!" and I was all, "Psh, these are my homies ma."  So I did the polite thing and introduced them to Mommy.  Here you can see me updating my contact info in Missy's phone just in case she wants to do any sort of say, arranged marriage between me and one of her girls.  What?  Some girls dig younger guys.....