About Me

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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

      Merry Christmas!!!!  Sorry I've been MIA; I was VERY busy unwrapping countless presents and eating Christmas pasta.  I'm still curretly very busy, but I wanted to take a few moments to upload some pics of my very first Christmas! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

You Better Watch Out!

This is my happy face....why?  Because I'm about to go see Nanna and Poppy!!!  I think I shall sneak-attack them in the wee hours of the morning.  I can't wait!  Now to pack -  Dirty diaper....check.  Cranky disposition...check.  Sore and irritable from having to sleep in my carseat....check.  Christmas present for them to make it all better....check.  Pitiful woe-is-me face to invoke sympathy and heartache over my dirty, cranky, irritable, sore plight?  Check.  You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm tellin' you why - MLS is coming to town!! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Daddy Daddy Daddy!

  Today is Daddy's last exam of the block!  HOORAY!!!!  When he gets home, he'll be HOME.  Like, he'll actually BE home.  Not a "Oh Hi buddy nice to see you for these two seconds, now I must study," but a "Buddy!  Come hang out with me 24/7 until next year!!" type of homecoming.  I have plans.  Big plans.  He's going to take me bowling and to play soccer and to shop for mommy's Christmas present and drag-racing!

"No drag-racing!" 
Mom!  Seriously?!  Fine....then we're not going shopping for your gift either! 
"Well...wear a helmet!"
That's what I thought.....

 It's going to be awesome!  And the lady from foster care is coming for our very last home visit!  I think after this I'll finally be eligible to take care of child.  I do such a great job with Mommy and Daddy, so how hard could a kid be?  I'm going to start out part time though....just respite care.  I think I should break Mommy in slowly, so she can adjust to having me share my smiles and wit with some one besides her.  You know how moms are....they get so emotional about every little milestone.  Now if you'll excuse me, I must go safety-check the exercise bike.
Good flavor, doesn't come off when you chew on it, check!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Just Say No to Dolls

   SHHHHHH!  You can't see me!  I'm hiding from Mommy.  She tried to make me play with a Ken doll.  A DOLL!!!  Oh the humanity!  Oh the injustice and just plain wrong-ness of it all!  I do NOT play with dolls.  No, it does NOT make a difference that it was a guy doll, and no it is NOT just like GI Joe.  GI Joe is a man....Ken is a pansy, girly-shorts wearing, too-perfect teeth and hair, grinning wuss!  Thank goodness Christmas is coming when I will hopefully receive more manly toys, so Mommy will never offer me a doll to play with again!   I grit my teeth and shudder at the mere word....doll.   Ugh! Yeck!  Bleh!

Monday, December 17, 2012

For the Families


   I don't have much to say today, as I'm still reeling from Friday's tragedy, but this is a song my mommy made for the families effected by the shooting in Connecticut.  She really wants those families to hear it, so I told her I'd help out by posting it on my page.  After all, things always get paid attention to when backed by a celebrity (such as myself).

Friday, December 14, 2012

10 Days Left!

OHHHHH SNAP.  Apple is amazing.  Have you ever had an apple?  The first time I tried one, I thought it was gross.  Didn't like applesauce either.  But I suppose I'm growing up, because Mommy always says that as you grow older your tastes change.  So this must be a sign of maturity.  No surprise there though....just nice to have concrete proof of what I've always thought about myself....
   By the way, there are only 10 days left until Christmas!  MY VERY FIRST CHRISTMAS!!!!  I'm so excited.  I don't really know what all this Christmas stuff is all about though....Mommy said it is to celebrate the birthday of God's son Jesus, but all I see when we go out is lights, red and green, a big fat guy in a red suit, and signs advertising for Christmas gifts.  So if it's actually to celebrate Jesus' birthday, how come I don't see signs like "Get Your Birthday Cakes Here", or, "We Have the Perfect Gift for Jesus"? 
    Now "gift" is a word I do understand!  Mommy said that Jesus was God's gift to us.  I'm still working all this out in my mind, but I hope to understand it one day. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Box it Up

  I've been watching Mommy buy Christmas gifts for me.  Well actually she let me pick a couple out, but she and Daddy picked the rest.  She thinks I wasn't paying attention but I was.  They are supposed to be "surprises"....don't worry mom, I'll act surprised.
   You know what the best part is?  Mommy really knows me.  I mean she nailed exactly what I wanted.  Do you know what she has gotten me?!  BOXES!  At least three boxes!!!  And BAGS!  Two of them!  Some are square and some are rectangular and they're all perfect for bending and ripping and putting stuff in!  Strangely though, right now they all have stuff attached to them inside, as if somebody already put something in them and Mommy forgot to take the stuff out before she bought them....poor Mommy.  Sometimes I worry about her....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Magic Box

I found this box yesterday on the coffee table.  It has those horrible things Mommy wipes my nose with in it, but the awesome thing is, they never run out!  You can just keep pulling and pulling and pulling and there's still more in there!  It's a magic box!  It's like Mary Poppins carpet bag!  If Mary Poppins had carried a box, this would have been it.  I showed it to Mommy, but she wasn't impressed.  In fact she seemed irritated.  I can't imagine why....  I just wish it had something a little more interesting in it, like neverending car keys or pacis or spoons or blocks.  Do you know what I could do with an endless supply of blocks?!  One can only dream.....

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Two Engineers

  Observe!  The photographic proof of the block structure I built, with design help from my friend.  Both his parents are engineers, so he knows about that sort of thing.  We decided to go with the box base, as it tends to be sturdier than a base of other blocks.  Having a strong foundation is VERY important in building, or in life.  But I digress.....
    After building insanely awesome block structures, we moved on to electrical engineering.  He theorized that we could take apart my remote and alter some of the chips inside to make it actually control any television, anywhere.  Since he has only had about 7 months experience with that sort of thing, I opted not to dive into that just yet.  I mean we can't risk a little electric shock ruining two such amazingly elite minds as ours!

Monday, December 10, 2012

One is the Loneliest Number

Chubby!  You knock em down, you clean em up!
 It is so hard to find a good playmate these days....I would go hang out at my friend's house down the street, but Mommy says my car is in the shop.  It's funny, it's been "in the shop" for 10 months now....
 So I asked my friend Chubby over to play instead.  It was only a 5 foot walk for him (and between you and me, he could use the exercise!), so I figured, it never hurts to ask right?  WRONG!  First, he knocked over my miniature of the Eiffel Tower.  Then while playing duck-duck-bear, he trips and falls on top of me (and as previously referred to, you do NOT want this guy falling on you!).  And THEN he ate all my Veggie Mum-Mum!  (Ok so maybe I accidentally ground it into the carpet, and had to smear some on Chubby's face to make it look like he ate it....)  And talk about motormouth, he NEVER shuts up!  I had to hear all about Great-Aunt Theodora and Great-Uncle Teddy who helped the Indians learn to fish, not to mention Chubby's most recent stuffing surgery that required 38 stitches.  *sigh*  I'm so over these in-room playdates.  Mommy!  Hurry up and get us well so I can be with my own kind!

Friday, December 7, 2012


 *Cue Beatbox
It's Christmas time and I'm so psyched
Hot chocolate and stringing lights
Waiting for the snow to fall
Christmas gifts for one and all
Got to get these presents wrapped
No ribbon left? Well I'll adapt
Running out of paper mom!
Go to the store and buy me some!
Put the gifts beneath the tree
I'm in a hurry can't you see?!
So much to do by the twenty-fifth
I just hope Santa got my list....
*Beatbox fades

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Achoo! Achoo!

   Woe is me....my throat hurts, my nose is running, and I can't stop sneezing.  I don't want to eat anything, I don't really care to drink either.  All I want to do is sleep, and hold Mommy.  And sleep some more.  And maybe whine a little here and there.  I don't even want to show you a picture of myself....I'm dirty from helping mommy clean earlier, and my eyes are all red and puffy looking. :(  But fear not!  I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be good as new!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy 3 Years Mom and Dad!

  Happy Anniversary to my two favorite parents, and I'm not just saying that because you're my only parents!  And guess what!  Mommy and Daddy's anniversary is even more special now, as we found out it is now the birthday of two brand new babies - a new baby cousin and a friend of Mommy's had a baby today!  Yay!!!!  Rock on!!!  We're popping up (or rather out) everywhere!!!  We're taking over the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Apparently Mommy and Daddy had a nice date at their favorite restaurant, though how it could possibly have been nice without me I can't imagine.  But that's fine.  I'm not bitter.  I was kickin' it at a buddy's house.  We did some crazy awesome stuff.  We even had a supper boycott together.  And I had some mad block organizing skills.  No really, I have photographic proof, but not on me.  I had Mommy's friend document my evening, so Mommy wouldn't feel too depressed about missing out on a good 5 hours of my life.  But like I said earlier....I'm not bitter....not as long as they brought some leftovers.....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

All Hail the Little Prince!

 I'm still pretty stoked about this standing by myself business.  It is the epitome of freedom.  I take that back....moving out of the house, buying a motorcycle, and touring the country would be the epitome of freedom.  I suppose I'll wait a few more years for that though.  There's these pesky age rules and tests involved in getting a bike license.  Lame. 
   Anyway, tomorrow is Mommy and Daddy's 3 year wedding anniversary!  Yay!  That is a VERY big deal.  You know why?  Cause without a wedding, you can't have a baby!  *"Remember that people....no wedding....no babies!"  Mom, I just said that, why are you repeating me?  "I'll explain when you're older...."*  And without me, the greatest baby ever, where would they be today?  Miserable that's what!  Life would be so dull and devoid of fun without me!  So tomorrow represents more than just a wedding anniversary; it represents the beginning of a new family, in which I, MLS, am King!  *"Ahem!"*  Ok fine Mommy, but I'm at least a Prince!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Smile! It's Contagious

   Went to town this morning to pick up a certain Christmas gift for a certain some one(s) who shall remain unnamed, and while at the store I do believe every single person in that store smiled at me.  Now I don't mean that casual "Oh look it's a cute baby" smile that everyone does anyway.  I mean the "I'm smiling directly at you with genuine happiness" smile.  Why?  Because I was smiling at all of them!  Just by smiling at them I smoothed many a furrowed brow, and ended many frustrated attitudes.  Because smiling is contagious.  Especially when it's genuine.  You have to do more than just politely smile at people as you walk by; you have to be genuinely happy yourself.  When you are genuinely happy, it will show in your demeanor, and others will react.  A polite, two-second smile doesn't brighten people's day, but a heartfelt, natural smile usually does.  Try it!  Even if the attitudes of those around you don't change, yours will!  Can't think of anything to smile about at the moment?  Just come back to the blog every few minutes and look at pictures of me!  I'll keep you smiling all day! :)