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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Monday, December 10, 2012

One is the Loneliest Number

Chubby!  You knock em down, you clean em up!
 It is so hard to find a good playmate these days....I would go hang out at my friend's house down the street, but Mommy says my car is in the shop.  It's funny, it's been "in the shop" for 10 months now....
 So I asked my friend Chubby over to play instead.  It was only a 5 foot walk for him (and between you and me, he could use the exercise!), so I figured, it never hurts to ask right?  WRONG!  First, he knocked over my miniature of the Eiffel Tower.  Then while playing duck-duck-bear, he trips and falls on top of me (and as previously referred to, you do NOT want this guy falling on you!).  And THEN he ate all my Veggie Mum-Mum!  (Ok so maybe I accidentally ground it into the carpet, and had to smear some on Chubby's face to make it look like he ate it....)  And talk about motormouth, he NEVER shuts up!  I had to hear all about Great-Aunt Theodora and Great-Uncle Teddy who helped the Indians learn to fish, not to mention Chubby's most recent stuffing surgery that required 38 stitches.  *sigh*  I'm so over these in-room playdates.  Mommy!  Hurry up and get us well so I can be with my own kind!

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