About Me

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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Friday, June 28, 2013

The End of an Era

  A spot very dear to my family closed their doors permanently today. I'm not sure how I'll ever recover from this shock....there is no where else I'd rather go for coffee with Mommy and Daddy (but I prefer to go with Mommy because she always bought me a gf, df chocolate fudge cookie).  I've been going there since I was two weeks old.  Actually since I was in Mommy's tummy.  The three of us went together for the last time this morning....
 Never again to play with Mr. Potato-Head or the mega blocks there...never again to eat my favorite fudge cookie....never again to actually have entertainment while Mommy and Daddy discuss whatever boring things they discuss on our dates.  I mean the other coffee place down the street doesn't have toys.  And it's on a busy road in a boring old no-character shopping center that isn't good for walking too because there are no sidewalks to get there.  :(  
    I'm just so hurt that I wasn't consulted on this.  Me, possibly their number one frequent patron, and I had no idea until my buddy's Mommy told my Mommy this morning.  What a terrible way to wake up...."Oh good morning my sweet boy, by the way our favorite hang out is closing today."  *sigh*  I'll get through this....must get through this....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Color Me Striped

Did I happen to mention that when I went to the zoo I acquired a tiger hide?  Yep.  It's true. The proof's right here......
Tail and all.  Granted it was just a baby tiger, but it's daddy's hide wouldn't have fit me for years.  I felt a little bad, but when I had the zoo sew it into this one-of-a-kind jumper, I didn't feel so bad anymore.  Who says animal prints are out?  Why hello there tiger!  Yes, I do look stunning in black and orange stripes.  And yes, I do believe I am cuter than that baby tiger was....and I don't shed everywhere.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ultimate Bead-age

  Whilst interviewing doctors to decide who I would accept as co-workers for my daddy, I happened upon something very VERY awesome.  The most awesome awesomeness that you can possibly imagine....
This thing was SEVEN-sided!!!  It even had an abacus for business gurus (such as myself) who find themselves needing to add up to 100,000 on the go, and gosh darn it, accidentally left their iphone in the pack-n'-play again.  I must admit, I also enjoyed exploring the roller-coaster-like topside of the table....what?  It helps me unwind!  Don't judge!

Friday, June 21, 2013

New Threads

Got some new threads on my trip.  What do you think?  I picked the hat myself.  Mommy wanted a different one....straw-colored with a peach band.  BLECH!  Come on Mommy, I'll handle the millinery decisions thank you very much.
   Ya know, it's always hard coming home from a long trip.  I have so much work to do around here!  Daddy must have played with my blocks while I was gone, because they are no longer sorted by size and color, so that must be fixed.  The neighbor kids pined for me the whole time I was gone, and I still haven't gotten to go see them yet.  Well actually I did, but it was a short visit because I fell and blood gushed from my mouth so I had to go home.  Don't worry though, this handsome face has only a minor blemish from the event, and should be back it's naturally handsome self in a few more days.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lions and Tigers and Red Panda Bears?! NO My!

 Here at long last are some pictures from the zoo.  But do you know that that place did not have any bears?!  No panda bears, black bears, brown bears,  koala bears, nothing!  Well actually there was a red panda bear, but it looked more cat-like so it doesn't really count.  They had every monkey under the sun, but bears?  Nope.  Dorothy would have been relieved though...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Zoo Principles

  Yes, I am alive.  No, I have not forgotten about you all.  I have just been very busy on this vacation, and I can't post pictures because they are on Mommy's computer which can't seem to get online at Poppy and Nanna's house.  However, I know that you appreciate my vacay details as much as you do seeing my handsome face, right?
   Went to the zoo yesterday for the first time in my whole life.  It. Was. Awesome.  Many, many, many pictures to come later.  I rode this amazing train that went around the whole zoo, and sat right up front.  I could even feel the sweat droplets from the conductor's face hitting mine I was so close to the front.  The most awesome animal by far was the gorilla.  He was huge and handsome and funny, kind of like me.  There was one small dark spot in my day....Mommy took me on this thing called a "carousel".  It was terrifying!  You spin around and around and around and sit on a tiger that goes up and down WHILE you're spinning around; I clung to Mommy as if my life depended on it, because I'm pretty sure it did.  I mean who's to say that guy operating the thing hadn't had a bad day or actually really hated kids....he could have turned that thing to turbo and WHOOMFP!  There goes MLS.  And all the little children would see me and say "Look at that beautiful bird Mommy!" and the mommies would all say "OMG that's not a bird that's somebody's baby!" and then they'd all flee with their kids for fear it might happen to them too and then the zoo would get really mad and sue me and then I'd go bankrupt before I even turn two!  So, moral of the story: the zoo is an amazing, awesome, wonderful place, but whatever you do, DON'T get on that carousel, no matter how cute and enticing the little hippos and horsies may look.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

5,000 Reasons to Celebrate!

A "blast to the past" picture just for you, my adoring fans.  You have my deepest gratitude and awe for wanting to read what I have to say for over 5,000 times to-date.  Words can't express the excitement, joy, and pride I take in your steadfast patronage of my  blog.  Thanks for 5,000 clicks of loyalty!  If I could, I would give you all a kiss on the cheek.  (All the women anyway)  Since I can't, please accept this poem in your honor instead:

   You read my thoughts most every night,
    not in a creepy way.
   You see my face and laugh or cry
    Depending on the day
   You've seen my triumphs,
     and my....triumphs.
    You've been my source of fame.
   And if I had a lot more time,
    I'd thank you each by name.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy Anniversary!!

 To two of the greatest grandparents a guy could ask for, Happy Anniversary Nanna and Poppy!  Mommy said they have been married for 38 years today.  Wow.  I asked Mommy if I'll get to be married to some one for 38 years, and she said only if that someone can take living under her roof for that long.  I'm getting a vibe she's never going to let me go.....anyway, I hope your day was fantastic Poppy and Nanna!  I know it had to be, because you probably spent all of it thinking about how in just three days you'll be with me! :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Did you know that Fritos come in flavors?!  Cause I didn't.  Mommy just left me in the dark about this.  Thankfully, Lili has enlightened me.  Honey Barbecue....no dairy, no gluten, just pure spirally barbecuish delight.  So maybe I went a little overboard.  It's true I might have confiscated the entire bag and pulled a handful out at a time.  But I'm telling you, those things are addictive.  Why did I never know such flavor existed?  I blame Mommy, always feeding me drab, sodium-less food.  These are far from drab, or salt-free.  I just don't know that I can go back to normal food after today.  I really don't.  At least I have the remnants left around my mouth, hands, and clothes.  I'll save those for a midnight snack....shhhhhhh!