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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Code Daisy!!!!


 DAISY IS MISSING!!!!!  She's been missing since 3:30 this afternoon.  Daddy and I went out and searched the neighborhood on foot, and Mommy and LiLi searched the whole downtown and interstate in the truck.  They also went to the school to print pictures of her to post, but the library was already closed for the night.  Stupid Friday night early closing time.  If she isn't back in the morning, we're going call the shelter and then go door to door to see if some one took her inside for the night.
        Daisy please come home.  I know I can be rough sometimes, but I love you so much and I miss you.  I screamed your name until my little lungs gave out and I fell asleep on Daddy's shoulder when we searched for you earlier.  Please come home.  My baby brother will need you just as much as I do.  You wouldn't abandon him would you?  I will pray for you tonight, and I ask all my readers to do the same please.  Until you are home my friend.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


   So Mommy is always talking about wanting a recliner so she can put her feet up and relax.  I personally feel that the laundry basket does a much better job of inducing relaxation.  Hence I give you my latest wonderful idea, the "LazyBasket".  It would be identical to a typical laundry basket in every way, except that it would be foam padded and leather covered.  It would still have all the little holes and indentations, as those are what make a laundry basket so comfortable in the first place.  Think about it, full back support on four sides, so should you choose to sit up or stretch out those legs, you are supported.  And those little holes provide just enough air flow so your back doesn't get all sweaty if you should want to sit for a long time.  Not that I ever do, but you know some people would..... A laundry basket also provide ample space to keep snacks, sippy cups, books, blocks, etc. so you would never have to get up for anything.  It's the ultimate lounge chair.  And these puppies would sell fast too, I know they would.  Especially if they used my charming face in their marketing campaign....

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Spike It

  You think my hair is getting too long for this look?  Cause I kind of like it this way, but certain Mommies I could name but won't, have insisted it is too long now.  I'm not into hair cuts. Real men have long hair, and they spike it up.  Word.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Model Mismanagement

 Mommy has informed me that the new season of America's Next Top Model has begun, the first one to ever cast male models, so obviously they did not receive my portfolio.  I am positive Tyra would have picked me had she only seen the many faces of MLS.  *sigh* When will my talents be recognized? When will people stop viewing me as a mere toddler, and give me the respect I deserve?
   Or MAYBE they did receive my portfolio and felt it wouldn't have been fair to make the adult models (who, let's be honest, have undoubtedly lost their cuteness factor that late in the game) compete with a suave, handsome guy such as myself.  That's it!  Of course that's what happened!  I got all concerned and hurt for nothing.  Naturally the only realistic cause for this travesty is that I would have just killed the season's future because all of America would have only ever voted for me.  Oh why do I ever doubt myself?

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Break-Up

   Oh yogurt.....how you deceived me.  Just look at my happy, sappy, smiling face. Little did I know then.  I thought you were a tasty, wholesome, delicious snack that happened to be 20 times more awesome for coming in a pouch, but I was wrong.  You hurt me.  You hurt me bad.  I gave you a chance....I tried I really did.  But after a while things just went bad between us.  The more I ate you, the more tore up I got inside (and out...)  Oh vanilla strawberry goodness, it's over.  I can't go on like this anymore.  It's not me, it's you.  You just need to learn not to hurt those who consume you.  I'm not saying never....maybe someday we can try again.  I just need more time.  I'm sorry.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Goodbye and Hello

   Finally home after those ten unexpected days out of town.  We had gone back to Nanna's house from Nana's house (yes, two different people, check the spelling), and then we went back to Nana's house two days later, because my great-uncle did pass away Sunday, August 18th.  I never got to know him before he got sick, but Mommy told me all about him - He was a very loud, funny, tenacious, godly man who wanted everyone he met to know Christ too.  He loved cars too, so when I said goodbye before he went to heaven, I left two cars by his hand.  I hope they made it through the gates with him.  And I made sure to wave and say "bye-bye" to him when they rolled his casket past at the end of the ceremony; everyone laughed at this parting gesture for some reason.
   I am home again now, and stopped off to pick up Daddy as I passed the clinic he is working at.  He was thrilled to see me, but that's to be expected of course. I still miss the rest of my family very much.  I also miss my snack bucket from Nana's house....the portions it served up were so much bigger than my regular snack cup!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Mi Familia

   Just wanted to update you all on my travel status....I did eventually arrive to Nanna's house after 13.5 hours in the car.  Car trouble + traffic + closed interstate exit + too much juice in the car = 13.5 hours instead of the usual 10.  *sigh*  It's really a good thing I came though; Mommy was a nervous wreck on the drive - kept getting frustrated with everything.  I on the other hand remained happy and content the entire time.  She should really take lessons from me.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Prayer for My Great-Uncle

  I had a very different post planned for today as it is my Daddy's birthday, but instead could you all pray for my great-uncle and his family.  He may go be with God very soon.  I never got to know him before he was sick, but Mommy has told me all about what an awesome man he is, and I know that whatever happens, he trusts Jesus to take care of him.  I will keep you posted on my travels and updates when I get the chance.  I need to take Mommy to see him tomorrow, because I don't want her traveling alone, so please also pray for us.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

H2O no!

   Just when I think I'm making progress with Mommy or Daddy, one of them backslides.  Just when everything seems under control (mine, that is) and as if they finally understand my nature, they floor me.
   So there's this water bowl.  On the floor.  Mommy leaves it on the floor.  Mommy leaves a BOWL OF WATER on the FLOOR, and expects me to leave it alone.  What's so hilarious about this is that she keeps doing it....I've used it for my own devices 7 times now, and she just keeps refilling it and tells me to "Stay Away!"  or even better "No MLS!  No, no, no!" as if I'm a dog or something.  Helpful hint: If you don't want your bowl of water dumped out, don't leave it on the floor.  Simple.  Of course she keeps giving me some excuse about it being Daisy's water bowl, but come on even I can use a cup and I'm waaaaaaay younger than Daisy; she's 22 in dog years according to the chart at the doggie doctor.
   But you know how it is with older people; repetition is key.  They have to know you mean business.  It may take all 7, 10, 20, or more times before they learn proper responses, but you can't ever give in.  If you give in one time, you'll have to start all over with whatever lesson it was you were trying to teach them.  It's hard sometimes, but no one ever said having parents was easy.

Monday, August 5, 2013


   Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have hands that are barely even three inches long from palm to middle finger-tip?  Let me just enlighten you.  The world around us was made for larger hands. Take for example, the banana.  The banana is one of nature's power-foods.  It's portable, it's peel-able, it's loaded with potassium, and it's a fast easy snack....so you'd think.  Fast, perhaps.  Easy?  Not so much.
Don't laugh.  Just imagine trying to eat the banana while holding peeling that is three times the length of your hand.  Then you get to the bottom.  The very last piece where you have to be careful not to swallow that pointy hard thing (whose purpose I assume is to keep the banana centered in the peeling?).....just try to hold a mountain of peeling, while eating the very last bite, while trying to avoid the bad part.  It's not. that. simple.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Year and a Half!

        It's true....I am 18 months old today.  You have been graced by my presence for an entire year and a half.  Mommy and Daddy are so fortunate.  Of course, they probably don't realize fully how exceptional I am, especially since I won't talk to them, but that's only because their conversational topics are so beneath me.
        Mommy graciously left out Lili's birthday decor for me to enjoy today....the balloons match my new pink shirt very nicely.
Sorry, I wasn't in the mood for smiling.  Only two balloons would fit in the laundry basket at a time, and it was making me very upset.  If you try to put more in, they just float off.  Later in the evening, Mommy took me out to dinner at a friend's house.  I mean I would have sprung for a restaurant for her, but I'm not judging....anyway....Happy Half-Birthday to me!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It Has Arrived!!

You remember that "thing" I found after months of searching but wouldn't tell you what it was?  Ta-da!!!
That's right....it's a pink polo shirt.  This picture really doesn't do justice to the vibrant light pink that it is, but let me just tell you, it is splendid.  I shall be the first boy under 2 in history to prove that pink does not have to mean girl.  It can also say, "Hey, this guy wearing me is classy, has great taste, and knows that the man determines the meaning of the clothes, not the other way around."  I can't wait to wear it when I'm better....wouldn't want to waste it lying around here with a DOUBLE ear infection.  That's right, double.  And a rash all over my tummy and back and neck.  *sigh*  Darn parents taking their sick kids out to be around others.  Or worse...darn parents being sick themselves and not taking precautions to protect others.  Do me a favor, just as I courteously stay away from everyone even if I do have to go out while I'm sick (I mean I did just take Mommy on a date yesterday....), how about you all stay away from people when you're sick too.  Don't use public restrooms, don't go in places that involve doors you must touch with your hand to open (ones that you can't push with your shoulder or butt), and please please please don't go around babes such as myself.  It's just irresponsible. 
But don't worry, as soon as I'm well, you shall have a glorious picture of yours truly, sporting my sophisticated pink polo.