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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mama Takes Over

 Today, Mama is taking over my blog, because she has something to get off of her chest.  Take it away Mama:

To My Daughter's Mother:

We drove by the place where you work today on our way to an appointment, and I was reminded again that I was not the first person to be called “Mommy” by my beautiful daughter.  I was reminded that although you seem like this far-away person, you live a couple cities down the road.  I was reminded that while I already cannot imagine my life without this spunky, energetic girl in the backseat, you are having to do just that.  That thought gives me more pain that you think it does.  Even as I little girl, I knew I wanted to adopt kids one day.  What I had never considered was that for me to adopt a child, someone else had to lose one.  I hurt for you, and I wish it didn’t have to be this way. 

In a few weeks our little girl will be 12 years old, and let me tell you, if someone had told me twelve years ago that my daughter was being born, I would have told them they were crazy.  And yet while I was in the midst of 14-year-old middle school worries, you were giving birth to our baby.  So first I would like to start this letter by saying thank you.  Thank you for carrying our sweet girl for 8 months, and then enduring the pain it took to bring her into this world.  I will be forever grateful.

I often think about the timeline of our lives, yours and mine.  When I was starting my first year of high school, you were helping our daughter take her first steps.  As I continued throughout the rest of my formative years, you were teaching her to talk, eat with a spoon and fork, potty-train, and ride a tricycle.  While I was starting freshman year of college, you were waving goodbye to her as she got on the bus for the first day of kindergarten. 

I don’t know what the circumstances were that led to our daughter living with me instead of you.  And I don’t need to.  I hold no judgment against you because that is not why I’m here.  I am here to love our daughter and be there for her when for whatever reason, you can’t be.  But I want you to know this – Although we have never met, I love you. 

I love you because you were there before me, loving her. 
I love you because I love her, and every time I look at her, I see you. 
I love you because although you are not an active part of our life right now, I believe you will be one day.
 I love you because she needs to know that her love for you is good and valuable. 
Above all of these reasons, I love you because Christ first loved me, and I know that the only difference between you and I is that Christ has done a work in my heart and saved me from the person I would be apart from Him.

And every time she cries for you, I cry too.  When she worries about where you are and if you’re ok without her, I worry too, and we pray for you.  When she wants me to put hair into pigtails or “just make it look cute,” I imagine you putting barrettes into her hair when she was little.  When I tuck her into bed at night, I picture all the nights you tucked her in, and I wonder if it’s similar.  So even though you can’t see or talk to her right now, I want you to know that you are still in her life.  You will never be forgotten or replaced.  You are prayed for.  You are thought about daily.  You are loved.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Birthday Bird

It's Jah-jah's birthday!!!  Technically just the birthday party; he'll be one on Monday.  I threw the most magnificent party a guy could ever ask for - Beef Stroganoff, mashed sweet potatoes, a homemade 3D baby bird chocolate-vanilla marble cake with chocolate buttercream frosting, and I even broke out a couple different mocktails.  Am I an awesome brother or what?  Pretty sure he likes my gift the best - I'm safety testing all of his new toys before he plays with them.  A saint.  I know.  Just think, this time last year I was hanging out with Uncle John-John, completely unaware that Jah-Jah was about to make his entrance into my world.  I gotta' say though, he's alright.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bonus Post

Forgot I never posted these pics from August. Enjoy.

First-Time Beach Bum

 Before you get upset, you must know that it's been simply exhausting being the younger brother for a change.  I am so busy teaching Sissie everything about parental control that I completely neglected you.  For that, I am sorry.  But I think I've made a lot of progress....she is quite an acquiescent child that seems to get her way most of the time, so my teaching has paid off!  Parental compliance is the ultimate goal here.  Of course, she could just be a naturally obedient, loving child that would get her way simply because it is in her nature, but I like to think it's thanks to my tutoring.  :)

Anyway, we had an awesome thanksgiving, where I took Sissie to the beach for the very first time!  She had NEVER seen the ocean!  What?!  Crazy I know!  She had a blast, and even submerged herself underwater in November.  Why?  I have no idea.  Perhaps her common sense was overruled by her thrill of being in the ocean for the first time.

Nonetheless, she had a splendid time, and I can't wait until I can post a picture of more than just her back for you all.

Monday, December 1, 2014

I'm here!

I have not abandoned you, my dear fans. "Soon and very soon, we are going to see a new post..."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"Tryna' Climb Dat Ladder"

Climb Dat Ladder
A Rap

Imma climb all day
Imma climb all night
Imma super climbin' beast
Now I'm givin' Mom a fright.

Imma climb 'cross the town.
I ain't nevah comin' down.
Mama hollers from the ground.
But she can't push me around.

I'm tryna climb dat ladder
climb climb dat ladder (yo!)
Climb dat ladder
climb climb dat ladder
Tryna' climb.

Well dey all look on like dey think I'm bout to fall
Imma show 'em where it's at
Now dey lookin' so small
cause I'm high in the sky, if I jumped I think I'd fly
think I wanna' find out.
(Oh no I didn't fly....)

Not tryna' climb dat ladder
climb climb dat ladder
Climb dat ladder
climb climb dat ladder.
Not tryin'.
Not tryin'.

*No MLS's were harmed in the making of the inspiration for this rap.  All lyrics are strictly hypothetical, as I would never be so clumsy as to fall off the playground, nor would I be so foolish as to talk back to Mama.  :)

Monday, November 10, 2014


Selfies.  You know you take them.  You take them when you think no one is watching because you don't want to be "that guy" that takes tons of pictures of himself...but then you post them online for everyone to see, so you really aren't hiding your narcissism very well.
I however unashamedly take these selfies and put them out here for you to gaze upon and to envy my mad artistic photographic skills.  And my mad skills of thievery, as Mama had no idea these were on her phone until just now.  Muah-ha-ha-ha!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Monkey See, Monkey Eat

Like my new style?  I call it - "animal".  No?  Oh well that's ok I don't plan on venturing into this realm of fashion again until next October 31st.  Speaking of which, did you know that on that night every year, you can go up to random people, business, houses, etc, and demand candy? "Ahem..."
Oh, sorry Mama....I meant to say, "politely request candy".
And they'll give it to you!  Anyone!  Everyone!  Candy abounds like ice in the Arctic!  But it gets better...
Did you also know that starting the day after that glorious day of candy, you can go to the grocery store and buy EVEN MORE CANDY for half price?  And if you wait a whole week, it costs almost nothing!!
However, a key part to the receiving of candy on the day itself is cuteness.  The cuter you look, the more candy you get.  So for example, a blond-haired, blue-eyed (and tongued) monkey might get an exponential amount of candy....and hide it in the bowels of an Owl cookie jar where no one will think to look.  Unless they were looking for cookies.  Hmmm.  Guess I didn't think that one through.....

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dance the Night Away

 I took JD, Sissie, Mama, and Dada dancing to some live bluegrass music Saturday night. All the ladies wanted to dance with me, but I kept it to two only - Mama and one of her friends.  Didn't want to look like a playa'.
  JD also danced with two women, Sissie and Mama.  Then he was captured by a seemingly sweet yet cunning old lady.  She snatched him right out of Mama's hands!  Then she and her brood of other old ladies "ooh-ed and "ahh-ed" over him like he's the cutest thing they've ever seen.  Obviously they couldn't see clearly in that dark room or they would undoubtedly have been snatching me up too.  But hey, I did get to dance with a woman that isn't my mom or sister, so I guess we're even.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Round of Applause

I am beginning to see that sometimes Mama doesn't know everything.  It has come as quite a shock.  Here lately when she feeds me, she will ask if I'm "all done".  When she finally catches on that I am, I applaud for her.  The poor woman thinks I have confused the "all done" sign with applauding, simply because she used to clap whenever I had finished a whole container of food, right after she would have asked if I was "all done", thus using the sign and applause in close connection to each other.
  Please.  I am no simpleton.  I clap because she takes FOREVER to realize I am stuffed!  Overloaded!  No more please!  *sigh* I can see now why brother sometimes gets so exasperated, though I still do not think I shall ever be quite as blunt as he.  I mean if Mama wishes to go on believing that I applaud to say that I'm done, and that it is the cutest thing in the world, who am I to crush a poor mother's heart?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Family Addition

  Big news!!  Mama took me on a special date to tell me about a new addition to our family!!  Sissie is moving in!  Well actually, she already has!  Today!  JD moved in with me so she could have her own room (not thrilled about that part, but it seems to be helping bro' sleep through the night better, so I guess for Mama's sake I'm ok with it....for now....)  But wait, there's more news.
  This isn't just a temporary thing, it's forever!!  Well, as Mama says, "As long as everything goes as anticipated," whatever that means.  I can't even express how happy I am.  I always knew she would come back for good one day.  I just knew....
   So for those of you who have been with me the past two and a half years and know what an awesome brother I am, don't let that keep you from praying for me to be a good brother to sissie, too.  I may not be the oldest around here anymore, but I am still the most knowledgeable in the way things work around here and have a lot to offer by way of help and advice (aka. "Do this or else.")  Can't wait until I can post a picture of us all together, but Mama says I'm not allowed to for another 6 months.  Stay tuned!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Party Like a Rockstar

Those days when you're so tired you don't even make it fully into your swing before you're asleep....yeah...it's been one of those days.

One of those weekends really; Mama had a birthday last Friday, so to celebrate I took her to The Palisades restaurant with some of her friends.  MLS is slightlybitter because he didn't get to go.  He did however get to have a slumber party with his best friend, so I don't know what he's complaining about.

"Party?!  There was only like 30 minutes of partying and then his dad made us move on to the 'slumber' part.  Lame!  I wasn't the one staying up til 10:00 listening to bluegrass bands, and dancing, and eating gourmet mashed sweet potatoes!!"

Like I said....bitter.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Very Special Guest

 I. Am. Stoked.  My sissie is here to visit for three whole days!  And although I would prefer the after-school activities be less, how can put it nicely,.....existent, I am still excited about what little time I will get to spend with her. All JD cares about is that it means one more person will be around to tell him how cute and precious he is.  
  That's not true!  I value what sissie brings to this dwelling as a person, not for how she treats me.  The fact that she does find me adorable and precious and smile-inducing is of no consequence regarding my feelings towards her.  And quite frankly, I do hope that people find me cute and that I make them smile - bringing joy to others is more important than bringing joy to oneself.
   What was that sweet brother?
   What?  I didn't hear anything....

Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekend Road Warriors

   We have joined the revolution - we are officially "weekenders", though we did not feel the "Hamptonality".  I wish!  Instead we shared quarters with Mama and Dada, and were forced to vacuum no less than three times, and fill two swiffer dusters (TWO!) in order to survive.
    But, what our indoor dwelling lacked in cleanliness, it made up for in the form of one giant television, which was utilized to watch the beautiful defeat of the Tide, and the glorious victory of the Auburn Tigers.  Wonderful day indeed.
   We also explored a bit, and JD and I took Mama to the International Festival for lunch to celebrate her birthday (with Dada in tow, of course).  But fall had indeed arrived, and we were quite unprepared for the chilly weather, having packed no jackets of any sort.  Regardless, it was a truly amazing weekend just because we got to spend it with Dada.  I also picked out the house we shall live in, should we ever move to the not-aforementioned place - It is a beautiful two-story Southern manor right in front of a quaint little park in a lovely historic district.  (Excuse the large quantity of descriptive words, I am feeling rather like a British narrator in my manner of speaking today...)  Mama says it is a once-in-a-lifetime foreclosure type of deal that will undoubtedly be snatched up very soon, but you never know.  It doesn't hurt to dream....

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

For Dada

 Oh Dadda.  Tonight, this one's for you.  I know you're sad and depressed and probably cry yourself to sleep every night because you miss me so much.  But be strong.  And don't worry about Mama and JD, I'm taking care of both of them too.  For any normal 2 year old that might be a burden, but not for a manly man such as myself.  I've almost got JD crawling, and today I taught him how to cruise.  So rest easy Dada.  And don't worry - we miss you too of course.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig

Eye of the Tiger - this pull-up bar got no chance!
Cutest. Aubie. Ever.
A Balloon is a tricky thing...now I know how Winnie-The-Pooh felt.

 Five weeks later, we are home again.  It feels very empty without Nanna and Poppy and Aunt KK and Uh-Josh.  :(  So to cheer ourselves up, here are some pictures featuring the greatest team in the world, currently on a hot streak.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Backed Into a Corner

So....I'm having a slight problem, as you can probably tell.  I'm crawling - here, there, everywhere...but only backwards.  Which would be ok, were it not for the fact that random chairs and couches keep popping out of no where!  Everywhere I seem to back up, there's a couch, or a table, or a chair, or a dog.  I mean who designed this house?!  A baby can't go no where in here!  *very exaggerated sigh*  So today, I took action, as it appears no one is willing to get rid of all the furniture in the house.  I crawled forward.  Boom.  I may even do it again tomorrow.  (I would also like to add that I crawled forward on my knees, NOT just on my belly, like a certain older brother I could mention did when he was my age....)
"JD!  Just remember, I brought you into this blog, and I can take you out!"

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Trains in the Morning, Trains in the Evening, Trains at Suppertime

  Hello faithful friends!  Need I apologize for my lack of presence?  I mean after all, I am visiting Nanna and Poppy....surely you all can understand how busy that makes me!  Shuttling Nanna around all day, entertaining Poppy all night.  I'm beat!
    Today I took Nanna, Mama, and JD to the Train Park, where we watched the trains go by and had lunch at a boxcar.  I taught Nanna how to roll down hills, but she won't allow me to post the video here.  Some nonsense about "It's not socially acceptable for grown-ups to do things like that."  Psh.  When I'm old, I'll roll down a hill if I wanna roll down a hill!
    Then we went to the library where we found a train filled with my second favorite thing....BOOKS!  Coolest. Train. Ever.   Finally we came home, where I ate a peanut butter sandwich, shaped like - what else - a train.
     And tomorrow Dada comes for the weekend!!!  I'm going to take him to another library to play on the iPads and walk by the duck pond.  Then we'll read a train book.  Because it wouldn't be a complete day if trains weren't involved...