About Me
- Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
It's the Little Things....
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Spring Fever
For if you feel I've been lacking my usual remarkable insight, it is only because I am overwhelmed by this internal claustrophobia. I need to be out in nature! I need to feel the wind through my hair as I gracefully soar fore and aft in the swing. *sigh* I am resigned to this bleak heat-less life. The chill doesn't just cut into my bones, it cuts into my very soul. It bites away at my usual happy little spirit and thirst for knowledge until I have nothing left but my painfully handsome face with no intelligent thoughts residing behind it. Soon brother Spring, soon you and I shall be reunited. Come swiftly.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Mega Building
Here's my latest masterpiece! Ok so it was a joint-endeavor between Mommy and I. She gave it a strong base, and I did the rest. Thus, the creativity of it belongs solely to moi. I feel that abstract art, while seeming to express nothing, expresses that which the soul can not....it is deep, it is shiftless, it is self-interpretive, it is abstract! This sculpture for example says quite a lot - "It is a long climb to reach the top; it isn't always upward bound. There are peaks and side-clefts and tiny steps one might fall off of if one does not tread carefully." Yes, Mega Blocks are the mode by which life is best expressed.
Monday, February 25, 2013
"The No-Napping House"
"The Napping House" was one of Mommy's favorite books when she was very little, which may be why she is having such trouble adjusting to my new anti-sleep routine. My schedule is getting busier and busier as the days go by, so I've decided to drop my morning nap to make room for everything I have to do. You know, curing cancer, fighting crime, bringing about world peace. Just a day in the life of MLS.
It's definately time for this step. It will be rough, there have been some tears (poor Mommy), but I know in time things will straighten out. I simply haven't the time to laze about in bed while outside these four walls, the world is moving and changing and living! I want to be part of it all! I shall not waste my life sleeping any longer!
It's definately time for this step. It will be rough, there have been some tears (poor Mommy), but I know in time things will straighten out. I simply haven't the time to laze about in bed while outside these four walls, the world is moving and changing and living! I want to be part of it all! I shall not waste my life sleeping any longer!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Piano Pickin'
Big day for me tomorrow. I'm off to select a keyboard for the church. They begged me to go....I told them how busy I was, but alas, it seems no one else has my amazing ear for all things piano. No of course I'm not going alone silly! I'm taking a couple members of the music team with me (Mommy insisted), but for the most part it's solely my decision. I really don't know how anyone in this world got along before I arrived, I really don't.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Birthday Memories
Here are the pictures I promised you of my entrance into pre-toddler hood. One small step for MLS, one giant leap for Mommy and Daddy!
My Scrumptious Assortment, all chosen by yours truly of course |
I must throw one heck of a party, cause my buddy is having a blast! |
Daddy putting the finishing touches on my cake |
Opening Presents - a lovely tux onesie from Auntie Sarah. |
My first glimpse of my very own piano...I'm getting all misty eyed just thinking about it. |
I don't even know....oh Mommy....I just don't know. |
Blowing Out My Candle |
A Goody-Bag of Gifts from Auntie Katie |
Consuming the amazing banana cake with peanut butter frosting that Daddy made! |
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Library Walkabout
Whoever invented the Public Library was a wonderful individual. The library is such a grand place - free books, free toys, free non-toxic crayons.....
In fact it is so inspirational I am driven to walk all over the place when I go there. Not crawl, not walk a few steps and trip, but walk all over the place! Down aisles, leaving ransacked shelves in my wake. Over to the circulation desk, eliciting gasps of awe at my skill and cuteness. Yep, I was a walking fiend at the library. But then we went home....
There is just no scope for the imagination at home. I have no drive to walk there. Mommy kept pressuring me, "Walk buddy! Walk like you did at the library earlier! Show Daddy how well you can walk!" No Mom. Sorry. Can't do it. I guess you'll just have to take me back to the library daily if you want to see that skill again. :)
In fact it is so inspirational I am driven to walk all over the place when I go there. Not crawl, not walk a few steps and trip, but walk all over the place! Down aisles, leaving ransacked shelves in my wake. Over to the circulation desk, eliciting gasps of awe at my skill and cuteness. Yep, I was a walking fiend at the library. But then we went home....
There is just no scope for the imagination at home. I have no drive to walk there. Mommy kept pressuring me, "Walk buddy! Walk like you did at the library earlier! Show Daddy how well you can walk!" No Mom. Sorry. Can't do it. I guess you'll just have to take me back to the library daily if you want to see that skill again. :)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Happy President's Day! Wait, Huh?
Apparently there is a day to celebrate Presidents in general. Why? What did those guys ever do? Now an MLS day, that would make perfect sense. But President's Day? So let me get this straight....I can't go to the Coffee Shop, or the library, or handle any business at the bank, because of a holiday celebrating presidents.....really?! I mean nobody even goes around saying "Happy President's Day!" so therefore it is not a valid holiday.
And you know what else? If those guys were around today, I think they would want me to be able to go to the library and then curl up with a nice cup of dairy-free milk and my newly checked out library book at the local coffee shop. And I KNOW they would want me to be able to go to the bank and continue to make wise investments which help secure my bright future as an American citizen. Day of Presidents pah!
P.S. Here are some one-year pictures. :)
And you know what else? If those guys were around today, I think they would want me to be able to go to the library and then curl up with a nice cup of dairy-free milk and my newly checked out library book at the local coffee shop. And I KNOW they would want me to be able to go to the bank and continue to make wise investments which help secure my bright future as an American citizen. Day of Presidents pah!
P.S. Here are some one-year pictures. :)
Friday, February 15, 2013
Eye(s) of the Tiger
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Happy Valentine's Day! I made a special peanut butter face just to ward off predatorial women who can't resist my charms on this of all days. However, let it be known that when I do have a Valentine, I won't be like those men I saw at the grocery store today. I ride in, and there are 6 men standing in front of the floral case, just staring. Then one reached his hand out to pick a bouquet, and lowered it again, shaking his head. Ok dude, shouldn't you know what kind of flowers your wife likes? Shouldn't you have thought this through a little sooner, like say I don't know, BEFORE the actual day of the holiday? *sigh* I wanted to go over there and give those guys a piece of my mind, followed by some advice on wooing and charming, but alas, Mommy had me snapped into that buggy like a prisoner. When I find the girl of my dreams, she will get flowers every day if she wants them. She'll get heart-shaped boxes of candy monthly, even if I have to special order it. I'll take her dancing and to plays and cultured stuff that most men wouldn't. Yep, that's me, the original Renaissance Baby.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Be My Valentine?
It seems that the girl I would have asked to be my Valentine is out of town, so I asked Mommy instead. While she said she was flattered that I would consider her a worthy second choice, she is already taken. Shoulda' seen that coming.....
So would one of you like to be my Valentine? I can't bring flowers (most are poisonous so Mommy said I can't touch them) or candy (allergic to dairy, so if I can't have it neither can you!), but I still have a lot to offer! I'm cute, funny, sensitive (sometimes), a great dresser, and a charming conversationalist. I'll even make you a gourmet meal - Kix and a sqeeze pouch of applesauce. I want to do lobster with orzo in a delicate lemon butter sauce, but Mommy said lobster is a third or fourth date kind of thing. *sigh* Mothers can be quite annoying when it comes to watching their baby boy start dating.
So would one of you like to be my Valentine? I can't bring flowers (most are poisonous so Mommy said I can't touch them) or candy (allergic to dairy, so if I can't have it neither can you!), but I still have a lot to offer! I'm cute, funny, sensitive (sometimes), a great dresser, and a charming conversationalist. I'll even make you a gourmet meal - Kix and a sqeeze pouch of applesauce. I want to do lobster with orzo in a delicate lemon butter sauce, but Mommy said lobster is a third or fourth date kind of thing. *sigh* Mothers can be quite annoying when it comes to watching their baby boy start dating.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
All Aboard!
Oh hi! You've caught me at a very busy time. As you can see, I've taken a job as a conductor, and it is occupying all my time. First I drove my train to Mommy's friend's house to sit with her while Mommy cleaned a house. Why a grown woman needs a babysitter I'll never understand, but it seems that everytime Mommy is really busy I end up babysitting some one....it's very strange. Anyway, then I stopped off at my friend's house to teach him the mechanics of running a train. He was more interested in my light-up yellow ball, but I can't say I blame him. I mean it's a ball, that lights up! Need I say more? Then I drove "back to the station" (that's railroad talk for "home"), where I rustled up some grub for Mommy and Daddy. Wait....I seem to be mixing jargon. Sorry, it's just been a looooong day!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Walk the Walk
I can walk! I can take up to four steps all by myself. No hand to hold. No sofa or table to grasp. Just me against the floor. And I'm winning!
To celebrate, Mommy took me for my very first kids meal from Chik-Fil-A. Refer to the photos on your left -
1. Excited as I get everything out of the bag.
2. Really excited to discover that this sippy box thing makes a huge mess. :)
3. Grilled nuggets fall sadly short of my high expectations. *sigh*
They weren't so bad when I tried them again later for dinner. I think the overwhelming amount of pepper they used to season my grilled nuggets threw my delicate palate through a loop at first. Once adjusted, they were really quite tasty.
Mommy said not to expect celebratory meals like this very often. Apparently walking is a big deal to her....and people wonder why boys are so drawn to athletic pursuits - I walk 4 steps and get Chik-Fil-A; I compose a Progressive Piano Piece in 12 Parts in the Key of F minor and get diddly-squat! Oh how I long for the cultured, civilized world from whence I came....
I can walk! I can take up to four steps all by myself. No hand to hold. No sofa or table to grasp. Just me against the floor. And I'm winning!
To celebrate, Mommy took me for my very first kids meal from Chik-Fil-A. Refer to the photos on your left -
1. Excited as I get everything out of the bag.
2. Really excited to discover that this sippy box thing makes a huge mess. :)
3. Grilled nuggets fall sadly short of my high expectations. *sigh*
They weren't so bad when I tried them again later for dinner. I think the overwhelming amount of pepper they used to season my grilled nuggets threw my delicate palate through a loop at first. Once adjusted, they were really quite tasty.

Friday, February 8, 2013
Practice Makes......
Behold! The heavens shining upon my face. Blue eyes gazing upward into the distance. Just a hint of a smile....perfect.
I'm practicing for my one-year photo shoot tomorrow. What do you think? Obviously I won't be wearing a hoodie, just focus on the expression. A bit too modelesque? Not babyish enough? I know I know....I'm working on it. Maybe if I eat a pb+j before I go, and leave the remnants on my face. No, that would just make the perfect quintessential "messy little boy" picture. *sigh* It's a lost cause.
I'm practicing for my one-year photo shoot tomorrow. What do you think? Obviously I won't be wearing a hoodie, just focus on the expression. A bit too modelesque? Not babyish enough? I know I know....I'm working on it. Maybe if I eat a pb+j before I go, and leave the remnants on my face. No, that would just make the perfect quintessential "messy little boy" picture. *sigh* It's a lost cause.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
CD's - Compact Disasters
AHHHHHHH! Oh, it's just you. I thought you were Mommy. Which would be perfectly fine of course did you think I wouldn't be fine with that because that would be just fine, splendid, superb even because I'm completely innocent.....I did not just creep over to the CD tower, and I am not about to pull each CD out one-by-one, and I'm DEFINATELY not about to pile them up and then sit on them. Nope, not me. But if I were to have been thinking about such a thing, and Mommy were to be headed this way, I know that you, my faithful follower, would gladly distract her, while I make a break for it. And if she were to ask, "Well hey have you seen MLS?" You would answer, "Why no, not recently....he's been in the kitchen for a while now sitting quietly and reading the Encyclopedia."
A lie? You think I want you to lie? Psh...psh. Noooooo. I'll hurry into the kitchen, and start reading, and ya know "a while ago" is just so very vague, so you can honestly say that I have been in there for a while. Got it? Glad we got this cleared up. Not that there was anything to clear up or that I had been planning something mischievous that would require such measures on your part....nope....not me.....
A lie? You think I want you to lie? Psh...psh. Noooooo. I'll hurry into the kitchen, and start reading, and ya know "a while ago" is just so very vague, so you can honestly say that I have been in there for a while. Got it? Glad we got this cleared up. Not that there was anything to clear up or that I had been planning something mischievous that would require such measures on your part....nope....not me.....
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
1 Year Check-Up
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Birthday Bash
I'm ONE! One whole year of handsomeness, wit, charm, grace, style, and literary genius. Thank you to everyone who attended my party. I mean I knew I was popular, but good grief! I was turning people away at the door! Media, paparazzi, it was a circus. Speaking of circi (the plural of circus...in MLS's dictionary...), they usually have monkeys there, which happened to be the theme of my party, so that's rather fitting. Daddy made my monkey cake, icing decor and all. I had no idea he had these hidden talents! Banana cake with peanut butter frosting, gluten and dairy free of course. The tissue globes were done by my auntie Katie and Mrs. Jenny. The chef prepared chicken nuggets, veggie stix, pears and apples, and cookies. I didn't want the party to be overly formal, so I decided to go for whimsical yet classic finger foods. I will have better pictures up later. As fortune would have it, my buddy's daddy took some pictures, so we are not stuck with Mommy's attempts for long. (Sorry Mommy...you know I love you anyway!)
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