I know I've been absent for a while, but you should all know by now that when I go on tour, I barely have time to sleep, let alone blog. My days are filled with so much activity, it's all I can do to crawl into my pack-n-play at night. I've been everywhere!
I visited mommy and daddy's highs school alma mater, their college alma mater, their favorite restaurant, their favorite coffee shop, momy's former place of employment before they moved, and the BEACH!
I also met my great-GREAT grandmother, visited my nanna and poppy, visited my great-grandparents, and tomorrow will meet my other set of great-grandparents and a great-aunt. I know....Holy Blue Pigs. I'm overwhelmed too.
And to top it all off, mommy's birthday was today, so I had to blow up a ton of balloons and make a birthday card. I got her a gift card to my, I mean her, favorite coffee shop....and I know that picture of me at the beach makes it look like I'm the one who's scared, but it's that mommy was petrified, so I had to hold her tight so to help her calm down. I mean she was a wreck...you'd think she'd never seen water come crashing towards her at like a zillion miles an hour, and then just when it looks like it's going to swallow you whole, it falls down with a thunderous crash directly in front of you, gripping your toes in it's icy grasp. Yep, it's a good thing she had me there....
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