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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sick Revenge

     I've been dealing with a cold for four days now thanks to Mommy and Daddy.  They claim it's not their fault, but here's my theory....I am not allowed to drive.  I am not allowed to take a jog down to the coffee shop by myself.  I am not allowed to take myself to MOPS group to see my peeps.  Therefore I can not take myself anywhere that I could have possibly picked up germs, so it can not possibly be my fault that I was sick, which means it must be Mommy or Daddy's fault for taking me somewhere that had sick germs right?  But wait it gets better. 
      Not only did they allow me to get sick, they were also going to go on a date tonight WITHOUT ME!  Can you believe that?!  I'm the life of the party!  I'm the reason dates are so awesome!  On top of that, they were going to a MOPS fundraiser.  Mommy wouldn't even get to be in MOPS without me!  I am her ticket in!  But no..."Oh MLS you're going to stay at your buddy's house and have so much fun you won't even realize we're gone."  Ha!  You'll just be enjoying an awesome Mexican meal without me, but no I won't sit and brood about it and dwell on it and have it gnaw away at me til I can't stand it.....For revenge, I wiped my snotty face all over Mommy's cheek, and then I coughed in her face.  Now I am almost over my illness, but Mommy's seems to have "mysteriously" developed a sore throat and lost her voice....needless to say she will not be going out tonight. :)
   Ok so maybe I feel a little bad that I made Mommy sick....ok I feel terrible.  I'm a sensitive guy at heart, a heart that is breaking to see Mommy like this.  But don't worry.  All she needs is a sweet, adorable, loving baby to take care of her and force her to stay active and she'll be better in no time!  Sounds like I'm just the man for the job!  *Mommy!  Come back here and finish this orange juice right NOW young lady!*

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