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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Monday, November 12, 2012

9 Month Photo Shoot

Trying some different looks to practice for my photo shoot...and coaching daddy in the proper wearing of the fedora
      It's that time again - time to update my portfolio with more recent pictures of my handsome self.  I really just wasn't feeling it this time though....I've gained a lot of weight and just wasn't comfortable in those shirt off shots anymore.  Mommy says babies are supposed to have big bellies, it means they're healthy, but I disagree.  I think the "percentile" standards doctors use are WAAAAAY off and are contributing to obesity in America.  Parents hear "Oh no my child is only in the 15th percentile for his weight!" and start stuffing him with more food than he actually wants or needs, which will lead to poor eating habits later in life.  Yet when a doctor says, "My what a big guy, he's in the 80th percentile for his weight!", with a SMILE nonetheless, parents are thrilled.  Well I for one am not liking this "healthier" body of mine. 
         How to fix it....more crawling, less vegetables.  I mean let's think about this logically....I looked great when I was on my all-liquid diet, so I can only assume that fruits and veggies are not as good for you as people claim.  Don't get me wrong, they are great for adults.  Let's look at the facts - I eat fruits and veggies, my tummy grows HUGE.  Mommy eats fruits and veggies, her tummy grows smaller.  Therefore something must happen between babyhood and adulthood that results in your body changing the chemical make-up of said fruits and veggies to make them less fattening.  If only I could have mommy's age and metabolism....**"Are you kidding me?!  Take that back! Take it back right now young man, you don't know what you're saying!"  Sorry mom, but you can't hide the truth any longer!**

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