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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stand Up!

I know, I know.  You are incredibly impressed with what you see right?  No, your eyes are not deceiving you, I really am standing all by myself (with a LITTLE help from the table...hardly worth mentioning...).  It's very addictive....once you stand up for the first time, you just can't stop.  How can I bear to waste time crawling around on the floor, when I can stand up and see so much more!  Mommy and Daddy are a lot taller than they seemed before....even Daddy.  Mommy seems to be very tired lately though; some nonsense about how her arms are tired from having to catch me so many times a day and keep me from cracking my skull open, or something like that.  PAH!  I need no safety net!  I'm a man!  All I need are these two feet, and maybe a table here and there....

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