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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Toy Talk

You know how people are always asking "Why buy my kid toys when he'd rather play with a cardboard box/pots and pans/tupperware/fill-in-the-blank?"  I don't know why!  This seems to me to be an age-old question that Adam probably asked Eve when little Abel shunned the wooden dinosaur his daddy carved for him in favor of a stick.  Take these stacking rings....I love these rings...I love to bite them, lick them, throw them, shake them, and scoot them....everything except stack them.  Now take the spatula.  I love to bite it, wave it, bang it on
my excersaucer, and talk to it (I don't throw it
though because it makes me cry...I just love this spatula...).  The stacking rings and the spatula accomplish the same thing for me, which is to serve as a tool by which to entertain mommy and daddy (I may find them a bit amusing as well...).  So why buy me toys?  Because you enjoy it.  Because you feel accomplished when you pick out the latest educational toy proven to raise my IQ.  Because they are colorful, shiny, loud, fun, and are acceptable items to have strewn around your house when people come over.  (I mean imagine visiting a friend and seeing tupperware all over the house....weirdo....).  Because you want me to know the difference between a toy and a tool....nobody wants their kid to be the one that sits on the pavement playing with his slide-rule while all the other kids play on the playground.  Just sayin'.                                                            

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