About Me

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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Baby Seuss

    It is I, MLS, the completely independent wonder-boy!  I can now sit up all alone for long stretches of time.  I can sit up on the floor, I can sit up by the door, I can sit up on a chair, I can sit up anywhere!  I can sit up on the rug, I can sit up by a bug (a bug!  Mommy look a bug!  Look I can pick up the bug!  Mommy why are you screaming at me?), I can sit up on the tile, I can sit up for a while, I can sit up in the car, I can sit up at the bar (in the kitchen), I can sit up on the stair, I can sit up everywhere!

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