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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Checkin' In

A. The Boys
One of the pairs of shorts mommy made

      I have been all over the place for the past week; three days left of my southern US tour.  I've pretty much been a party animal.  And people have showered me with hugs, kisses, and presents.  You'd think I was a major celebrity.  At home, mommy can't hold me as much as I'm sure she would like to because she has to clean house and do laundry and other stuff she claims is important; for the past week I don't think I've sat on my own more than 10 minutes.   It's pretty stinkin' awesome! 
     So let's see, what all have I done?  Well I went shopping for some summer onesies...sleeveless is the latest fashion in this ridiculously hot weather.  I hung out with the boys as you can see from picture A (even the doggie is a boy).  I got to visit with TONS of family and friends of mommy and daddy's.  And I even got to go swimming (pic. B and C)!!!  I was born for the water...I mean there's a reason humans spend 9 months of their lives in fluid...we are meant to swim!!!  And Nanna taught mommy how to make shorts for me!  They are by far the greatest shorts in the history of shorts.  *Mommy stop it!  This is my blog!  You may not interject your opinions!*  Sorry folks.  I must agree that they are pretty great shorts.  Ok mom, kudos for the clothes.  Continuing... 
C. Lemme GO! I can do it myself!
     I have left the far south and am now visiting with Gramma, Grampa, and Aunt Sarah.   Besides this appalling heat, so far it has been quite fun.  Today I made a tour of the place Gramma works, and tomorrow I'm going to a vegetable farm with Grampa.  I need some fresh tomatoes to perfect my Pasta Magnifico Al Dente.  Oh you thought 5 month olds actually live off of milk?  No no...we cook every night after the 'rents go to bed.  All those dirty pots and pans mommy finds in the sink every morning and blames daddy for?  Haha...yep...all me.  Shhhhhh!!
B. Sun Too Bright!

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