That's right...your eyes are not deceiving you...I have revealed my ability to sit up on my own. I was going to wait a while maybe a few more months; get mommy good and worried about me, and then spring it on them out of no where. But today I was like ya know, mommy does so much with me to try and make sure I'm developing "on track", why not give her a break? So I sat unassisted multiple times. Once I did it the first time, she wanted me to do it over and over and over again. I made sure not to sit up alone more than 11 seconds. After that I made sure to perform an adorable yet safe kerplunk onto my side. (Note: Never perform stunts where you'll fall backwards onto your head until at least age 2). Won't sit up for too long for now...gotta' save some tricks for later. When daddy came home, he triumphantly hoisted me into the air, and look! The heavens shone down upon me in congratulatory radiance. (Cue operatic choir - "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh").
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