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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Grocery Gab

As soon as I start driving (legally I mean…sometimes I take the truck for a spin after the ’rents are asleep…Shhhhhh!), I am never ever ever ever ever going to go anywhere near a grocery store. I’m pretty sure mommy spends at least 8 hours a week doing something related to groceries…making the list, finding coupons, printing the coupons, looking at sales flyers, remaking the list, editing the list, organizing the list by stores and aisles, not to mention actually going to the stores (there‘s always at least two involved), buying the groceries, and then forcing me to wait for my meal so she can at least put the refrigerated ones away when we FINALLY get home. It’s RIDICULOUS! When I get married, I will not allow my children to be tortured by these monotonous trips.
And there’s always “that lady” every time we go to any and every store. You know the type…sweet, older, grandmotherly type that has to know everything about you. “Is he eating well? Oh my he’s so alert! Does he let you sleep? When are you going to start solids? Does he squirm when you change him yet? How does he like bath time?” Come on ladies! Those are some very personal questions. Yet while I’m sitting there in my harness trying my best not to show the annoyance I feel, mommy just answers them all! Then after embarrassing me to the max, she expects me to smile at these women. No! I will not do it! Ok maybe sometimes I do it because it makes her so happy. But most of the time I just stare. To which they usually say, “Oh what a sweeties, do you think I look funny or something?” Yes lady, I do….

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