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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Failure to Communicate

 You know what really burns me up?  Like really really really just overcooks my rice cereal?  The fact that mommy has waited so long for me to communicate with her in a way she can comprehend, and when I finally give in and let her know what I want by shaking my head yes, she still doesn't give me what I want!  I mean here I was, trying my best to get her to understand "Yes, I do want to eat this piece of paper.  It looks yummy and provides fiber," and she kept saying no.  She would even ask, "You don't want that ol' yucky paper do you?"  I would shake my head yes, and she says, "No, no you don't."  I almost got whiplash from trying to make her understand "yes"!  If using a supposed "higher" form of communication is still not going to get me what I want, why bother?  I say supposed because as we all know, babies are born bilingual (we know English, we just choose not to lower ourselves to such a vulgar tongue until we absolutely must), which makes us far more advanced at the art of communication.  It's not our fault that parents don't remember how to speak Mmmghhfummba (language of babies).  But you know what I really don't get?  Mommy was so thrilled that I was showing her I understand when she asks a question, yet she STILL didn't give me the paper.  Ok, if you've been waiting 7 months for your kid to respond to you in a way that doesn't involve loud yelling (whether happy or angry or sad), wouldn't you reward that kid with whatever he wanted?  Well I'm on strike now.  No more communication until the paper is returned to me.  Tick-tock mommy.  You'll crack.  Tick-tock.

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