Mommy recently informed me of my viewership for this blog. This was my reaction....
Now for my formal speech of gratitude. Ahem: Thank you so much to everyone who believed in the dream of an infant. I am just so happy to be helping so many parents understand their babies a little better. I'd like to thank all the little people (myself), and mommy, for letting me use her computer even though she could just give me the mini to have for myself but she won't because she says I'm too young but it's funny how I'm old enough to write a blog. I was saying. I'm completely blown away by the number of people I get to inadvertantly talk to everyday, and I hope I've made you laugh, think about things you never would have before, and realize how smart we vertically challenged youths really are.
Phew...glad that's over. I get so nervous when I make hands get all sweaty and my onesie feels two sizes too small. Onto the after-party! *Mommy! Where's my punch? Where's my gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free cake&ice cream? Mommy I know you can hear me!*
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