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Hi! I'm MLS and this is my blog. Grown-ups get to do everything cool while expecting us babies to lay around and drool. Babies unite! Join me in a revolution in which babies are heard! We have much to say if anyone bothered to listen. This is my way of getting my thoughts out there and maybe, just maybe, giving insight into the secret thoughts of babies everywhere!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wake Up Call

    Only babies wake up just as cute as they were before they went to sleep.  Think about it.  When the average adult goes to bed at night, it is inevitable that they will wake up with bad hair, bad breath, and possibly in a bad mood.  Furthermore, it would be unacceptable for them to then go to work or school without brushing both hair and teeth and getting appropriately dressed.  I however always wake up cute.  It doesn't matter if I wake up crying; I still look cute.  I can wear my pjs the whole rest of the day, even go out in public in them, and no one will see anything wrong with that.  I can have crazy bed head all day long and no one will look at me funny or laugh.  And I usually always awaken in a good mood.  Now mommy likes to argue that if she slept 12-14 hours a day she'd always wake up in a good mood too, but I believe it is my sense of humor and bright outlook on life that keep me so peppy and exuberant.  Perhaps if the average adult could recapture that childlike innocence and whimsical charm, they could be as happy as me and my comrades upon awakening each day.

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